Hmmm...havent been blogging for a while now. was quite busy. and now having this progress test.. will be quite free after 29th nov..
And i had a good laugh while browsing through and found this article.
Keep Noxious Farts at Bay with the Gas Grabber
Oh good lord. Someone has invented a fart protector. After you've eaten the Thanksgiving turkey equivalent of a horse, some of that tryptophan is going to eventually turn into methane, and you're going to need some serious butt protection like this. This patented Gas Grabber anal pad uses activated charcoal to neutralize those toxic fumes, sparing all of your beloved family members from your willful violation of their airspace by your noxious kamikazes. So far, it's just in the patent application stage, so this special mojo filter won't be available this Thanksgiving. Too bad.
People can just create anything.. haha.