Hennessy Artistry 2009

Great music. Hot girls. Smoking performances. Exquisite drinks. Awesome event.
Thanks michelle for the invite :)

That's michelle with Caprice. Love his songs.
And these are the fellow nuffnangers~ XD Ooooo Jess, you can really dance! a lot!

Haha. I saw the guy in white (sitting right in the middle, and sorry I don't know his name) dancing while holding the dslr. Pro!
Wah. It was extremely difficult for me to take clear sharp pictures. The performances were energetic and fast, making it hard to shoot at low shutter speed. I prefer taking pictures in a club without flash cuz it describes the atmosphere better. Or maybe I'm just not good with the flash yet :S haha.

yesyes i love dancing. it's the pulse of clubbing!!
OMG, isaac gau gay @_@
Wah, my scandal picture revealed! paiseh.
jess really can dance, i died because of her. lol
wah...din know you were there wei..
I also holding dslr n dance ma =.=
Jess is Cool - she Shakes like NoBOdy!!
Cheers :) you have a lot of stamina XD
Hehe. Isaac is the red shirt guy is it? poor nigel XD
Hahahah.. scandal!
HAha.. yea! she has the power~~
Aik.. I didn't see you there too :S
Wah.. pro ar.. can dance with heavy camera :)
wakaka, I also din see you, apa sal ni?? u r so tall tapi i cant see you. u din get media pass??
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