Blogging and Law
Just got back from the Blogging and Law Conference by eLawyer in UM. Good talk. Really an eye opener. And the hall was almost full. Plus I saw a few nuffnangers, though I don't know their names. haha.

The conference was mostly conducted by 2 speakers, Nizam Bashir and Foong Cheng Leong. Both are lawyers, and both are bloggers. And because they are bloggers, they kinda understand more about the issues surrounding the law on blogging, the freedom of speech, copyright infringement etc..
However, I dare not post any issues discussed in the conference, as I may have quoted wrongly (since I'm not a law student), and some might use my words as law, and.. well.. yeaaa. They might get into trouble and blame me..
As these are serious issues, I do not want to take the risk. If you really want to know what was discussed, I think there are official recordings being distributed for RM20.
Among the common but very interesting matters are:
- If I take a picture of a person, to whom does the picture belongs to
- If I edit a picture, to whom does the picture belongs to
- What can be called as seditious?
- What defence do we have as bloggers?
And many many more.
Besides that, there was a award giving ceremony, to a essay writing competiton, and my friend sarah kate got an award! YAY! :)

Aih..too bad no one was looking at the camera. haha.
*pics of speakers taken by waiken
O_O blogging and law. HAHA. i want to attend one too :/ wonder when it's going to be my turn >< oh wells. xD
Yea. It was very interesting. Don't worry. Your turn will come. Pester nuffnang to try and organise one in sg :)
Hi, How do I get hold of the recording? I registered for the seminar but couldn't make it as I had to work. :(
Hi :) hmmm.. I tried searching for the recordings, but online, nothing was mentioned about it.
I happen to kinda know one of the speakers, so I'll let you know about it soon k. Cheers~
Hey.. Dunno if you will read this. But we can order the recordings. If you're interested, I'll email you the number to call.
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